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Full ReviewPast Articles
The Smart Grinder Pro from Breville has been on the market for nearly 10 years; is the grinder still a top choice today as an entry point, multipurpose grinder? Let's find out in CoffeeGeek's full review.
The Baratza Encore ESP grinder is a long-awaited upgrade, bringing some engineer and design magic to up its espresso game. Does it deliver?
The Breville Dose Control Pro was innovative when it came out in 2014. How does the grinder stack up today? Here's our full review.
The Flair 58 Lever Espresso machine promises the ultimate in crafted espresso for the home barista. Does it deliver? Let's find out.
20 years after launching CoffeeGeek, we revisit the first product we ever did a Detailed Review on: the Hario Nouveau Siphon Coffee Maker.
A look at the latest adjustable temperature, digitally controlled gooseneck pour over kettle on the marketplace - and possibly the best one so far.
The Brewista Smart Scale II offers a lot of the functionality of scales costing two or three times as much, all aiming to make coffee brewing a more convenient process.
St. Anthony Industries hand crafts unique and highly calibrated tools for coffee and espresso; we take a look at a bunch of them in this review.
Full ReviewArchived Articles
St. Anthony Industries hand crafts unique and highly calibrated tools for coffee and espresso; we take a look at a bunch of them in this review.
We take the Baratza Sette 30 grinder for an extensive walk through and test and find out if it's the right grinder for you and your espresso and coffee needs.
A detailed look at one of the new manual (unpowered) espresso machines on the market: the Flair Espresso Maker. How does it stand up? Does it make real espresso?
The first brewer certified by the SCAA is not cheap, but does it deliver a great cup of coffee? Let's find out.
CoffeeGeek takes a detailed look at a manual coffee brewer that is all style... and all function as well - the Eva Solo Cafe Solo coffee maker.
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The Full ReviewHistory and Process

Full Reviews are replacing our Quickshot Reviews. They are intended for products that represent a sizable investment from home baristas, and a certain level of complexity in operation, maintenance and functionality that demand a proper, full and formal evaluation. These reviews will be single page, but long: as much as 5,000 words or more, with dozens of photographs and multiple videos. They will typically take us about 45-60 days to complete. They will almost always involve our focus group testing, products comparisons, and scientific evaluation.

They will contain the following sections:

  • Pros and Cons based on overall evaluation (never based on the product’s marketing material)
  • Notable Features
  • An Introduction to the product, the company that makes it, and some brief history
  • A Product Gallery
    Out of the Box unboxing and what comes with the product
  • First Few Days with the product
  • Extended Evaluation and Usability
  • Compared To other products in the same category
  • Conclusion
  • Review Rating and Scores


These reviews are very detail rich, so don’t expect to see more than one or two published per month.

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