The Modern Macchiato

EDC Poured Macchiato with Latte Art

The Modern Macchiato: the way it’s been made in North American specialty coffee houses for two decades. Learn how to make your best one!

The Traditional Macchiato

A traditional macchiato, with a white dollop of foam on top of espresso, pictured from above.

Want to make the macchiato the way it’s been made in Italy for over a century? Dive deep into our traditional Macchiato How To on CoffeeGeek!

The Cafe au Lait

A cafe au lait being brewed: heated milk in a bowl, with espresso brewing into it.

Learn the modern way to make a drink that’s existed since the 17th century: the European breakfast favourite, the cafe au lait.

AeroPress Iced Coffee How To

CoffeeGeek’s walk through on using an Aeropress to brew iced coffee, including advanced tips on getting your extractions right.