CoffeeGeek Blog

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Previous Posts in Beginners

Part 1 of CoffeeGeek's walk through of the ten major coffee brewing devices, from press pot to espresso machine and more. Updated Oct 14, 2023.
A journey into one person's first use of a siphon coffee maker, including all the science and wonder it brings while brewing excellent coffee.
Have a look at the CoffeeGeek Ratio: a starting point for how much coffee to use with how much water when brewing non-pressurized coffee.
Do you wonder if dark roasts have less or more caffeine than light roasts? Here's your answer. (More!)
Here's six ways you might be messing up your home espresso, and how you can immediately improve them for a fantastic result.
Our best ten tips on your important espresso machine purchase, designed to arm you like an expert and make a smart purchase.
Have you ever wondered why your coffee tastes bitter? You're not alone. Here are nine reasons why your coffee is bitter and how to fix them!
Tired of all the click bait, dubious posts all over the Internet offering you advice on coffee and espresso? We're here to help.
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