CoffeeGeek Blog

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Previous Posts in Farming

A look at the history and development of the specialty coffee industry in El Salvador, part of a series on Central American coffeelands.
A look into the history, challenges and triumphs of coffee in Nicaragua, and how it evolved into the specialty coffee we know today.
A short exploration of Costa Rican specialty coffees and why they helped create and define the specialty coffee industry.
An introduction to Cascara, a recent innovation on an age old drink made from the cherry husks of the coffee plant.
Visiting a coffee farm can be an eye-opening experience. If you can't do so in-person, there are still ways to get a virtual taste.
De la Gente, a nonprofit that works with five coffee cooperatives in Guatemala, has been able to adapt during the pandemic.
A new coffee discovery could radically change the scope and availability of high quality coffees in the future during climate change.
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